For 20 cookies approx.
20g Cocoa Powder
50g Coconut Sugar
1 Egg
1 Teaspoon Bi-carb Soda
A Pinch of Sea Salt
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essense (Optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees (fan-forced) and line an oven tray with baking paper.
2. Sift together cocoa powder, bi-carb soda and coconut sesame flour and sea salt into a bowl. Then add sesame flour and combine.
3. Place tahini and agave nectar into another bowl and stir well then add egg and vanilla essence and mix them together.
4. Add (1) into (2) and stir with a folk to incorporate.
5. Make a small balls (approximate 2 cm diameter balls) with your hands and place them on the oven tray with baking paper with 2-3 cm apart. Press the top surface of the balls with a folk to make them
flatten slightly. 6. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the edges of the cookies are brown.
7. Remove from oven and allow to cool until cookies are firm enough to handle.